Interesting though different from these approaches.
Not quite ready to redevelop the Solar Computer Interface just yet as the Solar Robot software needs to be finalised but this setup would facilitate such development. And here’s the present Android ‘controller’ the aim being to replicate this on the Solar Computer:
Portable Solar Computer Interface Development Read More »
Added “Designs” – quite an unimaginative title for showing off numerous project designs relating to both hardware and software mainly.
Commenced a little writing that was actually outlined 6 months ago! The result is presently a ‘flyer’ detailing an overview (mostly of the philosophical background) then the (very high level) document structure and finally the present state of a short bibliography. Unsure what this will become as it largely depends upon the detail and corresponding
Back to considering this as an interim publication rather than a White Paper. Working title: “The Middle Path: Dharma, Design and Development”.
Duplicating the main tech at the centre of our solution as time and resources allow. As you may already be aware another associated solution remains R + D.